Help Users Out with Better Toggle Buttons, Please

I recently got a new phone and since I’m cheap I use Boost Mobile. While checking on my privacy settings and what not I found a curious use of color and toggle buttons

Screen Shot 2019-10-21 at 4.08.35 PM

See that toggle button on the left there? Since I’m a more experienced use of the internet I will know that when a toggle is to the right it is on, but when it is left it is off. However, this is a major failing for most people using the web. First of all, there’s no text to indicate which one is off and which one is on.

Well that could be possibly solved by use of color, right?

Screen Shot 2019-10-21 at 4.08.42 PM

Oh. Oh no. That’s no good. There’s no feedback for a user so they know *for sure* which is on and which is off. Throw the user an extra bone by giving them a noticeable color shift or some other indicator.

For more reading on this behavior I’d recommend Nielsen Norman Group and their write up of toggle switch guidelines.

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